
The DK Way

We recognize that it can be difficult to see the whole picture of your organization when you are immersed in your framework. That’s why we provide a bird’s eye view to assist you in observing what can often be difficult to find while in the trenches, every day.
Our consulting model is hinged upon our 7 Principles for Catalyzing Change in an organization.  Our recommendations are based on client needs and input in addition to carefully crafted research-based training materials.


Our principles shape both our approach and our methodology to ensure that you receive the best services uniquely designed to meet your organizational needs


Honesty sets the tone for your work culture.It is necessary to determine true desires, and there is no way to improve without it. This is the foundation for building anything solid and lasting, and we ask questions that guide clients to the deepest level of truth they want to reveal.


Without consciousness of desire, leaders and their employees can remain stagnant and work without strong awareness of the mission. This can lead to underperformance and unrealized goals. However, increased consciousness can result in increased intelligence, positive energy and collaborative efforts that help organizations meet desired outcomes. Therefore we assist our clients with holding that awareness during the consulting process.


Most often, when attempting to accomplish anything new, people are required to stretch beyond their current limits and comforts. Therefore, we employ techniques that help with balance and uncertainty that transpire when clients. Expanding helps stimulate creativity which can assist with innovation and help maintain high performers and happy employees in the workplace.


You can only accomplish what you can see, dream, and imagine, but since people are often bombarded with the everyday tasks and are blindsided by the challenges found in the trenches, we assist our clients with refocusing,  revisioning, and realigning with their goals and desires. Vision is pertinent to maintaining a sense of purpose and direction for everyone in the work environment.


Without a solid plan or next step, nothing or very little happens. We also understand that planning leads to better efficiency and effectiveness and helps minimize costly mistakes in the workplace, so we assist them in developing an action plan for their vision and desired outcome. Although we gladly facilitate the development of grand vision established by our clients, we stress the use of S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) goals which are often used to ensure success.


In coaching, accountability is ultimately the responsibility of the client. When establishing an action plan we also help them incorporate a plan for accountability. Research reveals that accountability is important to boost performance, therefore, it is essential that our clients incorporate accountability in their plans.


Just like the foundation of the truth, integrity is a pillar of support that without it, no organization, team, plan, or person can stand. When working towards something as important as growing as a leader, moving a team forward, or expanding your business, there must be a commitment to integrity by everyone involved. This is the moral and ethical fiber that either holds the plan together and sees it to fruition or when damaged will surely cause them to fail. Integrity in the workplace helps to strengthen relationships, evoke moral courage, and establish lasting confidence and trust.


All organizations, leaders, and teams can and desire to improve.
Sometimes the optimal way is through the strategic lense of a quality professional with an unbiased perspective.
Contacting our consultants is the beginning of the change you seek.

MEET DR. KRESLYN, Principal Consultant

Dr. Kreslyn Kelley-Ellis, a Consultant and Professional Certified Coach, empowers organizations and leaders to excel by implementing our seven principles for catalyzing change in organizations as the foundation and by employing strategies and tools designed specifically to meet their individualized needs. Dr. Kreslyn’s passion for professional development and organizational culture transformation, and strategic planning stems from her 25 years of experience,  successfully leading community organizations, educational institutions, and operating her own business. She holds doctoratoral degrees in Education Administration & Supervision and Psychology.  Dr. Kreslyn’s knowledge and expertise spans wide as evidenced by the  training she’s conducted in various areas.  Check out our services page to learn more about a few of our training topics.
Dr. Kreslyn has found success in this arena, but also as a speaker that inspires, educates and empowers others to become successful in business, career, love and life. In addition to her professional life she serves the greater community through her non-profit, Premier Leadership Foundation.
To learn more about Dr. Kelley-Ellis visit